God created us in such a way as to allow us to see the beauty in many things. For me, not only do I see the trees, flowers and creatures of this earth, their elegance, fragrance and interesting quirks, but I also get to delight in the thoughts that flow through my head about these things and other things that go unseen. God has given us many gifts and no two people are the same in how they were gifted. One of the gifts that God has graciously given me is in writing. I love weaving words together in such a way as to paint a tapestry for me and anyone else to read. There are a multitude of other things that people do that display beauty and creativity. Some people are gifted with speech, others with crafting or cooking, some with caring for others, and so many others with different types of gifts. All these things that we do, the little things, the great things, all of them are wonderful in their own way, and the thing that makes it all the more wonderful is that we don't just do these things, we get involved in them, it isn't just the thing we are doing, we are investing into the things that we are working on. We put forth love and care into our works, we appreciate them in a way that none but God will ever fully comprehend, though they might spend much time trying to.
You know, one of the best things ever created that holds the greatest beauty of all was in how God constructed and shaped a way for us to come to Him. He displays the entirety of His plan in the Gospel, by sending His Son to die for our sins that we may be forgiven and receive eternal life. This means that we will eventually be with God, forgiven by His grace, in perfect fellowship with Him in the new heaven and earth. Could you imagine seeing this beautiful world when it is perfect? No longer tainted or corrupted but as God intended it to be? What a thing to ponder and imagine! Oh, how I love the way that God created us, the complex ways in which we work, and the ability to look forward with wonder and amazement at something that none of us could possibly imagine! So for today, let us remember the Lord and all His good works and spend some time appreciating the beauty in all the things He has created, for nothing is that He did not first envision. Let us also remember that we too, are masterpieces of God's creativity and we are something of beauty to be appreciated.
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