From Morning and Evening: Daily Readings by Charles Spurgeon under Morning, December 14
"Thou shalt never find a bundle of affliction which has not bound up in the midst of it sufficient grace."
Oh how this quote speaks to me! So easy is it to forget that God is in control of all things and that as a believer He has given you strength for all of them. There isn't a day that goes by with all its afflictions that He did not prepare you for, and even if you do not do well for a particular affliction it is not for a lack of provision but rather forgetting to use the things the Lord has provided for you. We all do this, forget that He has given us what we need for each day. Sometimes I think we try to hold onto what has been given to us for fear that we will need it tomorrow, however when tomorrow comes what we held has wasted away and we have been provided with new in its place. This does not mean we have no work to do to prepare, we must familiarize ourselves with the things we were provided. Daily reading of scripture, prayer, preaching to ourselves the good news, these are the things we must be doing in order to ready the tools God has given us. Once the tools are ready then we must continue to keep them ready for use, our day should be filled with prayer and preaching. By memorizing scriptures we can continue to speak them to ourselves so that the tools are always at hand. Our prayers don't even have to be all that lengthy, sometimes a brief "God help me" is sufficient enough to remind us that we do not go about our tasks alone and unprepared, so we do not need to fear what is coming. Each day, every day, there is provision for it, it is given by God, let us not leave it behind but rather take it and prepare it to be used and not in part but in whole, for all of it is intended for the day it was given.
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