I was reading Psalm 1 today and read that the blessed man finds his delight in the law of God. Thinking about this made me wonder, why? The Law of God condemns man, he finds his iniquity in the law and knows that his sure fate is condemnation. In the law we are all bound for Hell, eternal suffering, an eternity without the one whom our soul loves, the Creator, our God. Knowing this, why would anyone want to delight in the law?
The answer turns out to be the same as why we would dread the law, we delight in it because of the terrible news it gives to us. Why would we do that? Because the news no longer applies to us. The punishment for failing God's law has been taken away, our sins have been paid for by Jesus, the Son of God. He has fulfilled all the requirements of the law for those that believe and this means that we get this achievement counted towards us. This means that, though we ourselves cannot fulfill the law, there is one that has fulfilled it for us and now God sees us as if we fulfilled it. Without the law that God gave to us we would not have a way to be saved and thus have no hope, but now we have everything because God made a way for us.
So why do we delight? Because in understanding God's law and how we fit in to what it demands of us we grow in understanding of what God has done. Our understanding then pushes us towards the one who saved us. We delight because we draw closer to our Savior, our Creator, our God.
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